"I've grown up as a scavenger and I will die scavenger" says Manuel, a worker on the dump for over 17 years. With high levels of injury and infection, and virtually no financial rewards, why do over 4,000 Filipinos choose to stay? For Victoria, family bonds and well as the need to help and inspire future children on the site keep them here: "Even if it's hard, we're happy. We're happy because we're all together."
Here, I am at a loss to why the filmmaker and writers attempt to put a positive spin on some of the poorest and most susceptible people to ill health on earth. To me, this little film is repugnant. I was first made aware of SMOKEY MOUNTAIN, I believe, around the nineteen sixties. If I'm correct, this putrid and inhuman condition has existed for decades snd will continue to thrive as long as ignorant writers and filmmakers employ their exalted positions to earn a buck by portraying the poor, ignorant, ill fed, ill clothed; those living in despicable and inescapable circumstances - as HAPPY! To hell with the lot of them.
Smokey Mountain - Manila, Philippines is one of the worlds most dangero
us landfills to the health of those who eke out a meager existance here on a daily basis. Yet, despite the imminent health hazards, hundreds of poor search for small treasures each day with total disregard to the dangers posed to their lives. For, each find, a jewel, is an addition to the household store.
The government, of course, looks the other way. The Philippines, where government officials are offended if not given money under the table, for here it is a tradition; graft, greed, corruption, come with all elected politicians; sadly, there are third generation leeches in office, on the dole, to this day. Rigged elections assure that second and third generation family members of notorious crooked former government officials get their share of the spoils.
Philippines, a third world nation, attempting to procure a better life for its citizenry has to
fight for its very existence due to corruption at all levels of government: federal, provincial, and local.
Who has time to clean up a garbage dump?
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